Criminal Background Screening

The Pinnacle of Accurate, Complete Criminal Background Screening

Many companies in our industry merely check one county repository when a criminal background check is requested by a client. This will never satisfy our standards for accuracy. Felony records are maintained in a separate repository in more than 50% of the 3,007 counties in the U.S. Cisive always conducts a multiple-repository search, including a third level when municipal courts are appropriate. An investigative audit confirms record accuracy, with a review for legal dissemination under state, federal, and international law.

Criminal History Background Reports You Can Rely On  

In addition to a multiple-repository search, Cisive also accesses the original source at court repositories. Cisive reviews applicant-identifying information up to five times. Our attention to detail in every criminal history check has yielded an impressive 99.9993% accuracy rate — adding to the confidence and assurance that you have screened the right candidate and minimizing your exposure to liability.

Cisive always ensures accuracy and compliance by perfecting the criminal record.

State and County Criminal History Check

Cisive conducts a statewide and/or county-level Criminal History Record Search (CHRC) per name, per jurisdiction. The criminal history check is based on client specifications and derived from provided and/or developed names and provided and/or developed residential, employment and/or educational addresses. Each CHRC includes a minimum seven-year search of felony and misdemeanor records (even if the records are housed in separate repositories) and reports of convictions and any pending prosecutions, as allowed by law.

Federal Criminal History Check

Cisive conducts a federal district criminal history records check per name, per district. The search is based on client specifications and derived from provided and/or developed names and provided and/or developed residential, employment, and/or educational addresses for the specified time scope. Search includes federal-level convictions and any prosecutions pending. Adverse information derived from the federal pointer system is subjected to additional confirmation before it is reported to ensure that it is current, accurate, and complete.

Criminal Information Supplemental Database Check

Cisive conducts a search of a proprietary multistate database that consists of several hundred million current and historical arrest, felony, misdemeanor, incarceration, conviction, fugitive, escapee, absconder, and probation records on millions of offenders. Although this search is intended as an added level of research, neither Cisive’s supplemental criminal database nor that of any competitor should be considered a “national criminal history check.” In the event of a hit or potential hit during the background screening, Cisive ensures accuracy and compliance by creating and completing additional county and/or statewide search based on the preliminary “pointer” information provided through this database. Search should be conducted on provided and developed names.

Civil Federal Litigation Check

A federal district Civil Litigation Record Check is based on provided names and the location of provided residences and/or employment for a specified period of time. Additional residences or names discovered through a Credit History Check or Social Security Number Check can also be searched at the client’s request.

Civil State Litigation Check

A Civil Litigation Record Check is performed in upper-level state courts, based on provided names and the location of provided residences and/or employment for a specified period. Additional residences or names discovered through a Credit History Check or Social Security Number Check can also be searched at the client’s request. Checks can also be completed for the applicant’s work or school address. All searches are researched and reported with full adherence to state and federal laws.

Sex Offender Registry Check

A search of appropriate sex offender registry databases is conducted during every background screening to return registration status if a record is found. Cisive offers three methods for researching sex offender registries:

  1. A search of each individual state registry using search parameters set by the client to cover the requested scope of years and addresses
  2. A database search of all 50 state registries combined with the Supplemental Criminal database search
  3. A stand-alone database search of all 50 states

When conducting the database searches, it’s important to note that 13 states do not include date of birth, age, or year of birth in the supplemental data that is commercially available from any source. Cisive will perfect any name match with further research conducted directly with the state or appropriate courts.

Global Criminal Record Check

An investigative audit confirms record accuracy, followed by a review for legal dissemination under national and international law.

Our Full Suite of Background Screening Solutions

  • Social Security Number
    Cisive conducts an inquiry on the individual's Social Security number against commercial sources to include credit bureau header information, augmented with related compiled name and address information.
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  • Employment & Education
    Cisive is known for the thoroughness and accuracy of our investigations. Our proprietary process relies on a technology interface to ensure verifications are completed within your time frame.
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  • Motor Vehicle Records
    Cisive conducts a statewide Motor Vehicle Record Check (MVR) of the appropriate motor vehicle files based on the state in which an operator license is issued.
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  • Credit History
    Cisive includes credit and litigation history, Social Security number trace, and current and previous addresses, and may include current or former employers.
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  • Vendor Screening
    Qualify prospective vendors, independent contractors, contingent workers, clients, and others to minimize potential losses from vendor-related fraud.
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  • Drug Screening
    Cisive’s strategic alliance makes us a best-in-class provider of drug and alcohol testing, as well as in-house medical review services, all using the latest testing technology.
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  • Fingerprinting
    Cisive offers several options for fingerprint capture through strategic partnerships with a vast nationwide network of Live Scan locations.
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  • Social Media
    Cisive’s strategic partner searches and analyzes your job candidate’s Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Instagram records.
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  • Regulatory
    Cisive continually researches, interprets, and socializes regulatory and statutory changes associated with employment screening and related activities.
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  • Global Screening
    Cisive acquires background screening information in 196 countries, with a dedicated focus on in-country processes, procedures, and compliance.
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Ready to Get Started?

Book time with one of our screening experts to learn how we can streamline your process.